That post could not be found.


I would be very interested to know how many people in the area have voted today. I think that it is a shame that the none Spanish seem to have been missed out with the election and would like to know if many voted. I for one would like to get involved for next time, this is home for a lot of us now.

So please let me know if you took part.

I hope it is OK as I have also posted this message on the site for Benijofar


Does anyone know who won the local election? Or are the results not in yet???

Commented Papillon in La Marina 2011-05-23 13:20:17 UTC

I didn´t vote because I had no informtion about any parties... I live in Rojales Hills.. I would have loved to vote, but if the politicians ignore me... well.....

Commented scruggs in Quesada 2011-05-23 17:58:12 UTC

It's sad that no one has commented re voting, i voted but so many brits did not vote, i'm sorry but all i have heard is i don;t know who to vote for!!! yet they all moan about getting things changed, the only way to get things changed is if you vote!!! we don't have enough bus routes, taxies etc then you should campain to get more!!!

Commented janbik in Quesada 2011-05-23 20:34:17 UTC

Hi all,
The voting process finished about 3am on monday morning, the result in Rojales was; PSOE 10, PP 9, PADER 2, as the winning post is 11 no party has an overall majority. Now representaives of the two main parties must work to convince Pader to enter into a pact with them. On a night when Spain voted massively PP, in what was essentialy a vote of no confidence in the national government, Rojales bucked the trend. We must now analyse the results and work to correct the mistakes. I believe one of the main problems is communication, I prefer to think that the British population didn't deliberately vote against the wishes of the Spanish population, rather that they were badly informed. to check the results copy and paste this link to your browser. http://www.elmundo.es/elecciones/elecciones-2011/resultados/

Commented oracle in Quesada 2011-05-25 06:39:44 UTC

The PSOE candidate took the time to put on an evening open.forum for questions and answers. Has some Brits in his party looking out for us and overall convinced me he,was the man for the job!!

Commented Maggie Gray in Quesada 2015-05-25 15:36:30 UTC